

Hola, my name is Wilhen Alberto Hui Mei, and my tech stack is Python (scikit-learn, Keras, pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib),
Java, C, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. I'm a Senior undergraduate student in Computer Science at the University of Massachusetts Boston. I was born and raised in Caracas, Venezuela, and immigrated to the U.S. in 2015. I speak Spanish and Chinese (Cantonese) fluently, and a little bit of French.

I currently work as a Research Student Fellow in a lab focused on Artificial Intelligence, Computer Graphics, and Human-Computer Interaction, where I immerse myself in Machine Learning and Deep Learning to creating generative models for attention patterns linked to personality traits.

My main focus right now is to use both spoken and programming languages to help those around us, allowing technology to impact our surroundings in a positive way. I'm interested in the fields of AI, ML, Software Engineering, and Data Science. On my free time, I enjoy reading the Bible, playing soccer, working out, and gaming.

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